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A Review on Robotics: Second Place in San Antonio Area Competition!

By: Geoffrey G. and Katie D.


      Robotics was introduced to Boerne Middle School South last year by Mr. Kinnear as a club after school. In fact, robotics is new Idea to both Champion High School and Boerne Middle School South. Since the club’s popularity soon exploded with students wanting to join, this year, robotics is both a class and a team, which the students had to try out for. Last year, about 30 students were in robotics. And this year about 160 students are members. As you can see, with the class added to the school,many more students are able to enjoy the exciting classes with their friends without having to commit to after school meetings. But the students who do decide to join the team compete in the fun-filled competitions. Only 24 students were accepted onto the team. These students are the ones who are competitors in the many meets.

     When Mr. Kinnear joined us at BMSS, he wanted to start the club and see if anyone would be interested in joining. At his last school, he helped a teacher teach robotics and wanted to continue it here. Instantly, many people talked to him and were excited for their first meeting. 

With this enthusiasm present, the club won third place at GEAR, a competition with approximately 120 schools present.This year at GEAR, our robotics team placed second. With moving up one place in only one year, they are striving for first next year. Last year at BEST, they placed on the board. This year, the team won second at a meet at Boerne Middle School North.

     But they wouldn’t be in that place without the effort the team puts in every meeting. Every students puts in a great deal of time and hardwork to make the club an exciting and proactive group. They meet every morning and afternoon to prepare for their next meet. When the team gets together, they use a combination of wood, plastic, metal, wiring systems, switches, and computers to make a robot and program it to complete a certain task the team is given. Also, at the meets, the team is given a specific challenge which their robot must complete. So it is all to prepare them for the competitions. Robotics is an exciting team and class which encourages teamwork and builds student’s knowledge of computers.

robotics close up
Robotics Silly
Robotics robot
Robotics Nathan McKenna
robotics members
Robotics group
Robotics floor
Robotics competitors
robotics competing
robotics 4_edited
robotics 6_edited
robotics 5
robotics 2
robotics 3

Lots of love to Mr. Haden, Mr. Hudson, and the 2015-16  BMSS Band. Have a great day and remember to toot your own horn.










BMSS Art students wow community at the Patrick Heath Public Library Art Show

By: Katelyn S. & Sam D.



     The upcoming Art Show, which is going to be held at the Boerne Public Library, is going to be an amazing site to go and see. The art show is on March 29, from 5:00pm to 7:00pm, but it will be on display for the whole month of April. All of the art students are very excited and very eager to present their work at the show.

     At this art show all schools in Boerne ISD will be presenting their artwork  varying in different themes. There will be different sections of the library set out for each grade level to show off their work. All grades from kindergarten to twelfth, will be able to participate and show what they have been working hard on for a long time. There is no limit to the number of students that can enter from a certain grade level, although one person can only put up two pieces of art in the library.

     For Boerne Middle School South, they are specifically working on a special piece that will not be revealed until the actual event.The art classes were asking for donations of stuffed animals, but we had no idea why, until now. Miss. Vineyard, one of the art teachers, informed us that this secret piece of artwork has something to do with stuffed animals collected at the beginning of the year. Many other schools are also preparing special art pieces for the show. Every student is working long and hard so that they have the best art. This is making the art show very competitive, and from that, we can guarantee that there will be some amazing pieces of art. Unfortunately there will be no prizes or awards for the best artwork.  Even though there aren’t any prizes, it will still be a fun event that the whole family can come and enjoy.

     This art show will be the best one yet. There will be hundreds of pieces set up across the library. We all hope that you will come to the Boerne Public Library and enjoy.

By Grace Garner


Pep Squad competition team brings home another win for BMSS!

By: Chelsey Frye and Bridget Cleary



    On February 27, 2016, the Boerne Middle School South pep squad competition team participated in the MA regional San Antonio Dance Competition. This competition was held at Champion High School located in Boerne, Texas. The girl’s hard work and dedication resulted in a successful day.

The pep squad girls won 1st place and received the Sweepstakes Award. This award was presented to the groups who received high scores in all their dances.

The pep squad team participated in three dances which include: Novelty, Hip-Hop, and Pom. The Eighth graders participated in all three as the seventh graders participated in only the Novelty and Hip-Hop. Each dance had a fun and festive outfit to fit with the theme of the songs that they would be performing to.

     The first dance was the novelty. After a slight mix-up in the music, all went well in this dance the second time around. This dance had a really cute kitty-cat outfit that really caught the audience's attention. The song that they performed to was the circle of life from the Lion King.

The second dance was the hip-hop. The girls were on point and had a ton of energy. This dance was performed in jerseys that had the performers last name on the back as well as jeans and their pep squad shoes. The song that was performed to was Holiday by Britt Nicole.

     The last dance was the pom dance. The girls had several formations and ripples. In my opinion, the pop ups were the most interesting parts of the dance. The girls were on time and had great poses. The dance was performed in the cheer uniforms that were used during football season. The girls danced to the song eye on it by Tobymac.

Before the competition season started, there were fifty girls in pep squad. As the competition season started, the girls had to try out for the team, and only fifteen girls made it. The competition team consisted of nine eighth graders; Emerson Clarke, Ellie Donowho, Kaycee Erickson, Chelsey Frye, Savannah Green, Lauren Hudspeth, Kristen Johnson, Lindsey Milnes, and Hailey Schrader. It also consisted of six seventh graders; Piper Adamson, Kianna Kennedy, Kaylen Meier, Victoria Murphy, Ashley Rickenback, and Lauren Young. The pep squad could not do it though without their wonderful sponsor, Ms. McCammon and Mrs. Blomquist.

     BMSS is exceptionally proud of the pep squad girls’ progress this year and how far they have improved.


Click on the images below to see a larger version!


pep squad trophey
pep squad silly
pep squad jersey

Pep Squad


Look up cheerleading in the dictionary

and it will say a dance and chant to gain

a response from the viewers or the players at an event, such as a football game.

Cheerleading has been

around for about 145 years. Cheerleading, or better known as Pep Squad,was founded by a man named Thomas Peebler in 1870.

He gathered six men that stood and cheered for the Princeton football team. Just 30 years later, a fraternity named Gamma Sigma became the first cheerleading fraternity in 1900.


The coach says, "The most valued

virtue is to have fun, and of course to


Ashley Rickenbach comments, “Pep Squad is really fun; you get to make friends and learn how to dance.” When asked if the activity is a challenge, she replies, “No, Pep Squad is

not that hard. The dances are simple, but

need a lot of practice. If anything it is easy and fun." 

What some people don’t know is that there are two groups. The first group is Navy Squad, which includes 20 students.

Silver Squad has 30 students. In all, Pep Squad has a whopping 50 students! This year, all of the students in Pep

Squad are going to perform hip hop, jazz, and palm routines.


By: Kerstyn G. and Olivia M.

Welcome to Band!


Band is an important part of our school. “You make a lot of friends,” commented Mr. Haden, “that last a long time.”  Our band directors are Mr. Haden and Mr. Hudson. “My favorite thing about teaching the band is when I see the difference between sixth grade band all the way up to Honor Band,” Mr. Hudson spoke. The band has a lot planned. For example, they played their first game on the 24th of September. On that same day, the band had a pizza party. They’ll be playing a lot of marching favorites. “I like Shake It Off. It reminds me of my daughter,” Mr. Haden noted. “I like Low Rider; it’s from a great music era, and it’s catchy,” Mr. Hudson shared.

“Start as soon as you can. The more you practice, the better you get and more fun the band is.” Mr. Hudson advised. With marching season coming up, band is sure to have a lot of fun.


Student Messages


"Band is one of my favorite classes,” McKenna, a clarinet player, announced.


“Band is fun and exciting. We get to have parties and go to Fiesta Texas,” a saxophone player declared.


“I like band because I get to play a loud instrument,” a trumpet player addressed.


“I love band and the way the music comes from off the paper, through my sticks, and onto my percussion instrument,” a percussionist beamed.

The Band Experience


Band is a great experience for everyone to try. You get to learn an instrument, play for your family, and meet new friends that can last a lifetime. I advise people to try band, orchestra, or maybe just play an instrument for fun.

Mr. Haden and Mr. Hudson are always excited to welcome someone new to the great band experience. Both men are excellent teachers. They put you where you need to be for great results.The two band instructors understand and love their students. Without the band directors, band would be a collision of horrible noises and headaches. Mr. Hudson, an experienced trombone player, and Mr. Haden, an experienced clarinet player, know how to teach the class.





BMSS Honor Band practicing. 


Colorguard is a group of girls at the highschool, yet some are from the middleschool, going on to the field with the band and performing with flags. It sounds uncool, but in reality, colorguard is fun and more difficult than imagined. Once you get the hang of things, you’re sure to do well. “Stay positive, don’t get frustrated. With time everyone improves, and you are as important to us as the girl next to you.” captain of the colorguard, Lauren Gillette, told us.

      Colorguard is an athletic sport that needs arm strength, focus, and responsibility. “It is a thrilling experience to perform every week,” colorguard member, Sara McClung, began. “I started in my eighth grade year with no experience. I was the first and only middle schooler in a guard of twelve. I stuck with it and became captain in my sophomore year. And now, I am in my fourth year of guard. It’s the best thing I ever did,” Lauren revealed.


“Bring lots of water and the right clothing.” Sara advised. You don’t want to be overheated, so water should be brought. Wearing shorts, short-sleeved shirts (or tank tops), and the right pair of shoes are a must. “Never forget your sets! Never forget anything,” A guard member exclaimed.

Student Message: What is your favorite part about guard?

“Performing every week and the feeling knowing that you’re a part of a great program,” Sara acknowledged.

“I love being with the girls and seeing them grow from the beginning to the end. I love helping them achieve personal goals and watch them succeed,” Lauren stated.

Colorguard is difficult at points, but is fun most of the time. Many people love colorguard. Colorguard, in  my opinion, is a great experience. Graduates who did it when they were in school miss it, and all the fun they had.

Colorguard practicing

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