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The Secret Life of a Teacher


Mrs.  Guthrie's Secret Identity

By: Bridget C.


     Mrs. Guthrie is an 8th Grade regular and Pre-Ap reading teacher here at BMSS, but her life doesn’t completely revolve around educating students.! She actually has a life outside of her school one, and we’re about to find out what it is.

    Mrs. Guthrie was born on December 4th in St. Louis, Missouri. She has 2 siblings. She had moved to Mississippi. After having her two children, Calin, who is in eighth grade and is attending BMSS, and Annabelle, a fourth grader ar Cibolo, she decided to relocate to Boerne and has lived here for 8 years! She also attended Baylor University as well as many other colleges. During her free time she loves to spend time with her family watching movies and playing painless family board games.This summer she is going to the Grand Canyon with her family, even though her dream vacation is somewhere tropical, which the Grand Canyon definitely is not. She has also travel out of the country to explore France. She commented that she would also love to live in Paris for its beautiful scenery and wonderful french language.

     When she was younger she was a waitress and worked at a dry cleaner. She also ran Cross Country as well as Track and Field. She also found out that she was allergic to something that you would never believe, penicillin! So when ever she goes to the doctor she has to get special treatment.

     She has many likes such as monkeies, which she has liked since she was a young girl, the color purple, which she says, reminds her of her childhood and she says “looks good on her”, and two of the world's most amazing foods: macaroni and cheese and steak! Mrs. Guthrie loves teaching at BMSS and say that the children are amazing and fun to work with. Our school is lucky to have her.






















Mrs. Guthrie standing outside her room showing her school spirit with a BMSS tee-shirt!

Mr. Kinnear's Secret Identity

You know him as an 8th grade science teacher here at BMSS, but he’s also a cool father and a fun guy at school and at home. He has a daughter named Susannah Kinnear who is a 7th grader here at BMSS, another daughter named Halle who is a 2nd grader at Cibolo Creek Elementary, and another sweet daughter on the way; he is married to Cindy Kinnear. He has two pet dogs named Annie and Harris, three chickens, one horse named Star, two ponies, Larry and Button, and, finally two cats named Milkshake and Luna.

          Mr. Kinnear grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa. Later in his life, he moved to America and went to UTSA and got his teaching degree. Over the summer, Mr. Kinnear went to Six Flags with his family. He also traveled to Port Aransas, TX, twice. After school, Mr. Kinnear usually takes his daughter Halle to soccer and piano lessons , plays Super Mario Galaxy with Susannah and Halle, goes horseback riding, and whatever else with his wife, Cindy, tells him to.

  Mr. Kinnear is the coach of the Robotics Team and wants to start a chess club. His favorite food is steak;  his favorite animals are horses; his favorite movie is the Goonies; his favorite thing to do is golf; his favorite place is the golf course; and,  his favorite color is maroon. Mr. Kinnear’s hobbies are playing golf, wind surfing, robotics, horses, and roller coasting. The coolest thing Mr. Kinnear ever did was play rugby and marry his wonderful wife, Cindy. Before he was a teacher, Mr. Kinnear was an EMT at Sea World. BMSS is so lucky to have this amazing science teacher at our school. Thank you, Mr. Kinnear.

Ms. Greene's Secret Identity

By: Chelsea F.


     Ms. Greene teaches 7th and 8th grade history. She attended East Texas State University and has loved all twenty-nine years she has been teaching. For twenty-seven of those years she taught in Boerne ISD. German is her favorite subject, and she had her first opportunity to teach it in BISD.

     In Ms. Greene’s early life, she was born in Fort Sam Houston, TX, and was raised as an only child even though she has a half-sister and two half-brothers. Since both of her parents were in the military, she recalls having a strict childhood. Her parents had high expectations for her and consequences if their expectations were not met. She is grateful that they expected only the best of her because it shaped her into who she is today. Ms. Greene has many memories of traveling to Boerne with her parents to put flowers on her grandparents’ graves. She became very familiar with Boerne, and she decided to make Boerne her home.  There is no other place she would rather be.

    Ms. Greene is not married and doesn’t have any children; however, she considers all of her students to be her children. She cares about every single one of her them and helps them strive for their success. George and Bossy are her two cats. Loving both cats and dogs, she has a hard time deciding which of them is her favorite animal. Eating mexican food and making jewelry are her favorite things to do outside of work.  Her interest in making jewelry was sparked when there wasn’t any pre-made jewelry that she liked.         Ms. Greene is great at finding activities to keep herself busy without turning on a television. Even though Greene is her last name, gray is her favorite color.

     Ms. Greene has a passion for teaching and a commitment to our school, this makes her an amazing teacher and person.























Ms. Greene posing for an picture before returning to teaching her kids.

Ms. McCammon's Secret Identity

By: Drew J.


     Ms. McCammon, a sixth and seventh grade history teacher, has a secret life. Actually, all of our teachers do. Despite common belief, they don’t actually live at school! They have real hobbies and adventures other than grading our papers. So what is Ms McCammon’s secret life you ask? Well, let’s find out.

    When Ms. McCammon gets home she does two, very important, things. First, she feeds her two pets (which consist of a pug and a cat) and then takes a well deserved nap. After awakening from her slumber, she could usually be found watching one of her favorite shows, “Big Bang Theory” or “Modern Family”; shows that she enjoys for their comedy.

    Once the long, hard week is over, and that glorious noise is playing throughout the school at 3:55PM, Ms. McCammon can retreat to her home, where she tiredly sinks into bed for yet another nap. During the rest of her weekend, she commonly spends her time hiking with friends, chilling with her family, or even taking mini-vacations to satisfy her need to explore.

    Speaking of that, Ms. McCammon has always seemed to exhibit a desire to travel the world. in fact, she is already planning trips to Mexico and Iceland, the latter of which she is extremely excited about. As of now, her favorite excursion has to be the one she took to Australia. When I asked why, she responded, “Just having the opportunity to go to another country and meet the people in that area was really special. Also, the Australians outlook on life is extremely interesting.”

    Although she loves traversing the world, Ms. McCammon also likes doing things here. She likes playing volleyball, going kayaking, and swimming if she can make time during her break.

    Unfortunately, all adventures come to an end. After the weekend has come to a close, Ms. McCammon gets into her car and drives a short way to get back to BMSS, the place where she met Mrs. Griffin (one of her best friends) four years ago. And the cycle continues.

    One day, however, Ms. McCammon wishes to retire. When she does, she would like to travel more of the world, specifically Africa. I’m sure that her life will be filled with additional thrills and riveting naps. Over time, Ms. McCammon’s secret life will just become more and more interesting.
























A picture of Ms. McCammon (on the left) and Mrs. Griffin (on the right) during field day last year.

Mrs. Junk's Secret Identity

Mrs. Junk is one of our school’s many reading teachers. She teaches 8th grade on level reading, 7th grade pre-ap reading, and Individual Investigations or I2 .Mrs. Junk has 3 cats named Moose, Caribou, and Bagheera. She also has two dogs named Riley and Wren.

Mrs Junk grew up in Sperry, Oklahoma, and  later graduated from Oklahoma State University. Then, she married  her husband, Jordan Junk. Over the summer, Mrs. Junk went  to Mexico.  After school, Mrs. Junk likes to read and workout. On Saturday, she enjoys working out and Sunday is her rest day. She also likes to go out to eat, go shopping, plan for school and meals for the week. She is in charge of DI and book club. Mrs Junk’s favorite animal is a dog; her favorite place is Disney World; her favorite food is Peanut Butter S'mores Pizookie from BJ’s, and her favorite thing to do is travel. The coolest thing she has ever done is travel international. Before she, was a teacher she was an interior designer. As you can see Mrs. Junk is an awesome reading teacher, and BMSS is so fortunate to have her.

Coach Harbuck's Secret Identity

By: Sam D.


     Coach Harbuck is a 6th-8th grade coach at Boerne Middle School South.Coach Harbuck has been a teacher and coach for thirteen years. He previously lived in Comfort and worked in the Comfort Independent School District. He came back to Boerne ISD this year. Coach Harbuck lives near the school and it is very convenient for him, and his son who goes to Kendall.

     When he is not at school he enjoys kayaking and fishing in the outdoors, so he can just get away and enjoy the relaxation. On Coach Harbuck’s downtime after school he loves to spend time with his family and watch his favorite show, American Idol. His favorite food is pizza and he loves having it often.  He also loves connecting and, “Just chilling!” with the other coaches outside of school. He said, “Coaching is such a [great] network, and after the long hours of working with these guys you really get to know and respect them.  It’s like having another family.”When Coach Harbuck retires he says that he wants to move out in the country where he can live a peaceful life with his family. He loves to build and repair household objects, and he said that he is going to do that much more when he retires.

     His favorite genre of music is country, but of course he likes to listen to different kinds of music when he is in different moods. I can definitely agree with that statement! On the weekend you can find him right in front of the TV watching the football games. Good competition is what he wants to see.

     Coach Harbuck is an extremely hard-working guy. On regular days he gets to school at 7:30AM and leaves at 5:00PM, but that’s not usually the case. During the fall, he gets here at 6:30AM for Cross Country practice, and leaves at 6:30PM after football. A long 12 hour day! After those long days he just likes to go home and be with his family. He said that many times he will go outside and start a campfire; as long as his son had his homework done.  We all appreciate Coach Harbuck’s dedication to our school and students.  

























A quick picture of Coach Harbuck in the gym hall.

Mrs. Evan's Secret Identity

By: Hunter F.


    Mrs. Evans, on a normal day, leaves work at around 5:30PM. She is very busy and depending on the time of the year, she has to take work home. She cares deeply for this school and tries to do the best for us. Right now she is getting ready for STAAR testing and gets up at 5:00 in the morning sometimes in order to go over STAAR testing information.

    She has two kids. Allie, who is 7th grade here at Boerne Middle School South, and Austin, who is in 3rd grade at Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary. Austin plays basketball, and Allie plays club volleyball. Between both of them, there are only a few nights where there aren’t any practices. These events are really time consuming for Mrs. Evans. Mrs. Evans doesn't get great deal of time to herself, but when she does she enjoys working in the yard, reading murder mysteries and romance novels, and playing games with her family.

    Mrs. Evans likes Italian food and Mexican food. Her favorite Mexican food in Boerne is, and I quote, “Probably Mary’s tacos.” Her favorite Italian food restaurant would be Grimaldi's Pizzeria.  Her hobbies include relaxing at the beach and traveling to Mexico. On the weekends she is only able to take care of her family, and clean the house. Her favorite type of music would are Christian contemporary, country, and classic rock. She also likes 80’s music. She said, “ Listening to 80’s makes me really happy; it brings back memories.”

    If she could go anywhere in the world she would go to an island like Hawaii, Fiji, or Bora Bora. When I asked her what three things she want to bring if she was stranded on an island, she replied with, “I would bring my family.”
























Mrs. Evans posing for a quick photo!


Mrs. Sursa's Secret Identity

We would like to introduce  Mrs. Sursa. Mrs. Sursa is a new sixth grade reading teacher.Last year, Mrs. Sursa taught at Cibolo Creek Elementary. Her husband, Travis, and her, have three children. She has two daughters and one son. Her first daughter is Taryn, who is 22. Her second daughter, Leah, is a junior at Champion High School, and her son ,Cash, is in eighth

grade here at Boerne Middle School South. Mrs. Sursa also has two dogs named Minnie and Shadow, three cats named Kabuki, Scrappy, and Tot, and four adorable little kittens. Furthermore, she has two hens named Maude and Lovey, two roosters named Mochi and Pepper, and last of all, two bunnies named Honeydew and Peachey.

       Mrs. Sursa grew up in Brenham, Texas, home of the Blue Bell Ice Cream. Later, she worked in a day care while in college before graduating from the University of Texas in San Antonio of UTSA. Over the summer, Mrs. Sursa visited her sister in Corpus Christi and went to the beach. After school she enjoys spending time with her family.On Friday night, she enjoys football and on Sunday is church. When she is not teaching or spending time with her family she likes to read, bargin shop, walk her dogs, or play video games. Her favorite book is The Hunger Games and her all time favorite movie are the Harry Potter movies. Mrs. Sursa’s favorite food is pizza, favorite animal is a goldfish, and favorite color is green. Mrs. Sursa loves to be anywhere that her family is. The coolest thing that Mrs. Sursa did was run a half marathon of more than thirteen miles with her sister Randi. Another cool thing that Mrs. Sursa has done is come to school everyday to teach kids important skills helping kids to succeed. Welcome, Mrs. Sursa, to BMSS.

Happy Birthday To...


  • 7th-Coach Garcia 8th Grade Science, Athletics

  • 20th-Mr. Hudson 6th-8th Grade Band

  • 23rd-Mrs. Merkens 7th Grade Science

  • 30th-Mrs. Griffin 7th-8th Grade Newspaper, Creative Writing, English

  • 3 1st-Mrs. Taylor Lunch Staff September



  • 2nd-Mrs. Taylor Office Staff

  • 12th-Coach Taylor 7th-8th Grade Athletics, American History

  • 13th-Mrs. Underhill  8th Grade Science

  • 17th-Officer Binkley Officer

  • 19th-Coach Rau 7th Grade Science, Athletics

  • 23rd-Coach Harbuck 6th-8th Grade Athletics, PE

  • 27th-Mr. Warner 8th Grade American History

  • 30th-Mrs. Dreiss 6th Grade Science

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