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Headed For District: Track Results


By: Katelynn S., Katie D., Sam D.                                                                          4/4/16

     The track season is almost over with only two meets to go, including the district qualifiers and district. Last year, due to rain, the district meet was canceled; many eighth graders are now anxious to experience the tough meet. But this year, the odds look good and Boerne Middle School South’s track team has a great chance at sending many athletes to District.

     The season started off strong with a second place overall for our school losing by only three points. With many points earned from our field events. The relays’ handoffs were very rough and the baton was dropped twice and the eighth grade girls were disqualified for exchanging out of the exchange zone. But, our 4x4 relay was a huge success and racked in many points, in which every grade and gender winning the event by a landslide.

     In the cold rain, the second meet the Boerne athletes fought hard to secure a solid second place. The seventh grade girls placing first in their group, and the seventh and eighth grade boys and eighth grade girls placing second. Without the help of the field events and the warm sun, the Chargers struggled to earn points. Many of the athletes attempted to stay warm, but the cold weather and rain wouldn’t allow it. Even though the athletes were cold and shivering, they still ran their hearts out and put up a good fight.

     At the third track meet, at Samuel Clemens High School, the Chargers got second overall. The eighth grade boys came out with first place, while the eighth grade girls got third. At the same meet both seventh grade girls and boys got second place. Since the team didn’t get to practice field events because of the bad weather, our athletes were not quite ready to compete at their finest for the third meet. That is the reason we came out second overall again at the competition.

     At last week’s meet, however, we stepped up our game and came out with a mindset that we would win every event. BMSS took first place overall and placed in every event that our  athletes competed in. We were more prepared for the field events and our runners starting training harder and longer so they could get ready for the district meet. Hopefully our next meet we’ll have the same results and many athletes will continue onto District.


BMSS District Tennis


By Hunter F., Evan G., and Nick T.



Saturday, April 2nd the Boerne Middle School South Tennis Team competed in the District Tennis Match and have won almost first place in each and every match. Specifically, 8th Boys A Single scored 10 points, 8th Boys B Single scored 10 points, and 8th Boys B Doubles scored 10 points. This landed them on the leaderboards and putting them in 1st place. Fortunately, 8th Boys Tennis scored 31 points overall which got them up to first place. 8th mixed B also did well. They placed first. 7th Boys B Doubles place in first and as well as 7th Girls B Doubles


Alamo heights is their biggest rival because they have the same skill set as them and are their biggest challenge. Boerne South have great teams but Alamo Heights is also really good and they can match our abilities.Since the season has started, they have practices every week so they can match the skill level of other great teams. Other skilled teams like Alamo Heights are boerne middle School South's rival.  The teams we play in football and basketball are the teams tennis play. Are record is unknown but the tennis team and coach Rau are very satisfied with all the work that they have done. Since the Boerne Middle School North has no tennis courts they come and practice at our courts and have there meets.  

Coach Rau has never coached a tennis team until this year. Last year, Coach Voulgaris coached the tennis team. He tries to put his players in a variety of drills that they might encounter while playing to work different scenarios. Sometimes we might see players at our tennis courts that are wearing purple uniforms because Boerne North kids have to play here sometimes. Coach Rau enjoys coaching the tennis team. This team has done very well and we should all be proud of them.

Chargers Tackle the Church Hill Game (A)


By: Isabelle C. and Ashley R.

On Thursday, September 17th, 2015 the 8th grade A football team played Church Hill.  The Chargers started out on the defensive, but the game quickly came to a stop when a Church Hill player was injured in the first play. The team showed great hustle and offense. Luke Boyers scored a touchdown as well as a two-point converson, making the crowd go wild. The score was moved to 8-0. By the end of the quarter the Chargers had showed off phenomenal defense and scored another touchdown, leaving the field with a score of 14-0.

The second quarter started off with a good but failed pass attempt. The energy level had fallen, demonstarted by the shorter runs and missed catches, but the team made up for it quickly with amazing defense. A touchdown by Church Hill sent the crowd booing. The score was bumped to 14-6. The Chargers bounced back, though, with an awesome touchdown by Luke Boyers, followed up by a two-point conversion. The score was then 22-6. After a quick huddle-up, the team came back stronger than ever with amazing defense and an awesome tackle by Logan Sandidge just as the timer went off. Pep Squad (Silver) entertained the crowd at half-time


with a fun, upbeat dance number to Holiday (remix) by Brit Nicole.  

    The 3rd quarter kicked off with the ball nearly going out of bounds but saved by Larenz Findley. Soon after the game was put to a halt when one of the Chargers’ players, Sam Dillard, was injured; both teams stopped play and knelt in respect. The players brought the energy back with great hustle by Lake Schara and an awesome catch by Connor Smith, followed up by a touchdown scored by Luke Boyers, as well as a two-point conversion. That moved the score to 30-6, ending the quarter on a high note.

The last quarter started out with a touchdown by Church Hill, bumping the score up to 30-12. Church Hill put up a fierce fight on defense, but the Chargers matched their effort when they switched to the defensive, showing off their skill with awesome teamwork and overall impressive defense. The game ended as a win for the Chargers, the final score Chargers: 30, Church Hill: 12. The M.V.P. of the game was Luke Boyers, based off of his stellar hustle and touchdowns.

Chargers Are Victorious at Church Hill Game (B)



By: Isabelle C. and Ashley R.

On Thursday, September 17th, 2015 the 8th grade B football team played Church Hill. The Chargers started out on the offensive, kicking off the game with awesome hustle by Will Purcell. Church Hill showed their strength with strong defense, but the Chargers fought back despite a false start later on in the quarter. By the time the team switched to offense they were already showing their skill, with Isaiah McDaniel performing a fantastic tackle and preventing Church Hill from scoring a touchdown. By the end of the quarter the score was still 0-0.

The second quarter brought tougher competition, with Church Hill running faster than before and scoring a touchdown, moving the score to 0-6. As the team conversed on the sidelines, Pep Squad cheerleaders entertained the crowd with impressive stunts and crowd-pleasing cheers.  Several awesome runs and attempted touchdowns were accomplished. As the timer went off, signaling halftime, Pep Squad entered the field and performed a fun, polished dance routine to Holiday (remix) by Brit Nicole, making the crowd go wild.


  The third quarter ran smoothly with good hustle and defense, as well as a prevented Church Hill touchdown. After a touchdown and two-point conversion by Will Macafee, a great run by Carter Hobbs, and a touchdown and two-point conversion by Eddie Arroyo, the Chargers were in the lead, 10-6. The team showed great teamwork and fabulous defense, stopping Church Hill from scoring on multiple occasions.

The game came to a close with the Chargers on the defensive. The team held strong, with lots of teamwork being shown and lots of yards being covered. A touchdown and two-point conversion by Ceaser Carlos helped to finish the game strong, the final score coming out to Chargers:18 and Church Hill:6, a win for the Chargers! The M.V.P. of the game was Carter Hobbs, who showed excellent hustle and kept the energy up throughout the game.

Chargers Dominate Alamo Heights (7th)



By: Isabelle C. and Ashley R.

On Thursday, September 10th, 2015 the 7th grade A football team played Alamo Heights. The game started out with the Chargers on the offensive, the crowd enthusiastic and the skies cloudy. Although the first punt was missed, the team made up for it quickly with Jack Frazier scoring a touchdown, followed up by a two point conversion. The score was moved to 8-0, the Chargers winning. Although there was a fumble towards the end of the quarter, the defense held strong, and by the end of the 1st quarter the Chargers were up, 8-0.

Despite a few missed passes, the Chargers started the 2nd quarter off well, with lots of yards being gained and several fumbles recovered. They did suffer when the ball was lost (with only three minutes left on the clock) but earned back the crowd’s confidence with stellar defense and a fantastic tackle by Luke Heck. After a quick huddle up, the boys were back on the field. The quarter ended with a disappointed crowd as the ref called a supposed touchdown out of bounds.

The Chargers began the third quarter on defense. The game was put to a halt when player #72 on the Alamo Heights team fell and suffered an injury; he was helped off the field as the Chargers kneeled, showing respect. By the time play had started up again, the Chargers had scored their second touchdown, moving the score to 14 (Chargers) to 0 (Alamo Heights.) The quarter ended on a high note with a great tackle and overall defense.

Phenomenal defense helped the game finish strong. The final score was 14-0, a win for the Chargers. The MVP for the game was Jack Frazier (#1), based off of his stellar performance both on defense and offense.


Chargers Score a Win Against Alamo Heights



By: Isabelle C. and Ashley R.

On Thursday, September 3rd, 2015 the 7th grade A volleyball team played Alamo Heights. The girls started out strong. Within the first couple of minutes, they were already up 4-2. Jacalyn Mireles made the crowd go wild with an amazing hit. The score was then bumped up to 8-2. The Chargers performed serve after serve. They did have a bit of a downfall when Alamo Heights got the ball, but that didn’t bring the team down. Emma James made one of the biggest spikes of the game. The score was then moved to an astonishing 23-7. The Chargers came out with a win of 25-9

7th grade vollyball A team

After the first game, the chargers weren’t tired; they were ready for game two. Katie Burkholder started out with a powerful hit. Sophie Harris did six serves in a row, giving the Chargers a score of 7-1. After the team’s incredible serves, the ball went back and forth until finally the score reached 11-4. Kaelin Mireles brought the energy back into the crowd with a phenomenal spike. The coaches were pushing for a strong finish, and Harris accomplished just that  with an award winning spike. The score was then at 16-5. Alamo Heights hadn’t given up yet. The ball went back and forth so much, everyone in the stands got dizzy! Still the Chargers knew that they needed to pull through a win, and they came back with the most power that they could give. The Chargers won 25-14. The M.V.P of the game was Sophie Harris.


Blake H. 7th grade A team

Chargers Triumph Against Alamo Heights



By: Isabelle C. and Ashley R.

On Thursday, September 3rd, 2015 the 7th grade B volleyball team played Alamo Heights. The first volleyball game of the season kicked off with a raging score of 19-11, the Chargers up. Although the girls were off to a rough start, they stayed strong. Alamo Heights also wasn’t planning to lose, so the game was tough. To get us an inside look at the game, we talked to player number 31, Audrey Brown. “I thought that we had overestimated Alamo Heights,” said Brown when asked about the competition. “They were said to be our greatest competition, but in reality we were pretty equal skill wise.” We also asked Brown how much time they had to practice. She replied with,“ It was a small amount of time. Of course our team could’ve been better, but I

think that overall we did our best. I think we should work on having more communication, and on our form.”

Alexa F. 7th grade B team

The Chargers were excited with their score of 19-11. With all the praise the team got they became a bit over-confident. The Alamo Heights team took advantage of this opportunity and made hit after hit, bringing the score to 17-23. The Chargers weren’t going to lose their first game of the season. Being two points away from a win, the Chargers pushed themselves and won the first game!

      The crowd was pumped for game two. In order to not let their fans down, the Chargers began with a strong start, which put the score at 7-2, the Chargers up. With both teams determined to win, the score gradually was set at 8-4. The crowd was showing their pride and cheered the team on. This made the girls realize that they need to communicate and work together. Using all the energy they had, the Chargers brought the score to 15-7. Only ten points away from a victory, the team challenged themselves to finish the game off. The Chargers pulled through and won 25-11! The M.V.P. of the game was Alexa Frei.

7th grade B team

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