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Global News

2016 Presidental Election



The upcoming 2016 Presidential Election is going to be an interesting one. Over 21 candidates are running, 16 of these running as a Republican. The leading Republican Candidates include, Donald Trump (real estate mogul), Ben Carson (retired neurologist), Jeb Bush (former Florida Governor), and Ted Cruz (United States Senator). Donald Trump has  no political background and has said some things he probably shouldn't have yet. He is the leading in the polls. But, Ben Carson is quickly climbing the polls and is approaching Trump.



On the Democratic side former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is leading the polls despite an ongoing scandal involving her. Far behind in second is former Senator Bernie Sanders, followed by current Vice President, Joe Biden. No matter the outcome, next November this election is going to be very exciting.


By: David B. Ducan A.

Syrian Refugees Flee to Europe

In Europe, millions of refugees from countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Kosovo, Eritrea, and largely Syria are fleeing warring countries in hope of safety, a job, and a better life. In Syria, Isis is growing larger and more powerful by the day, so most people migrating come from Syria. Nearly 12 million Syrians have been displaced. That's over half the country's population.









But, the road to Europe isn't an easy one. Many families face a dangerous journey across the Mediterranean Sea and across borders. Over 250,000 people have died or gone missing in attempt to get to Europe. And, when the refugees get to Europe, there is no guarantee that they will be able to stay. Europe is becoming increasingly crowded with refugees and are hesitant to take more. Some countries like Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands are welcoming them and encouraging other countries to do the same. Germany has already taken in 800,000 and other countries are promising to take in more. The European Union is going to address this in its next meeting and hopefully a solution can be reached.



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